kathrin wagner
Out of the unique technical mixture of poetry slam and ringjuggling a piece emerges, which deals with sexism. Kathrin Wagner is currently at the beginning of a new creation, which takes up and processes this theme and her personal experiences with it both linguistically and physically on different levels. In our tent Kathrin produced a first teaser and ended her time on 14.12. with a showing. (Livestream #2 from 4:20:00 – 4:38:00)
Kathrin Wagner is a young artist who specializes in ring juggling. Her work is inspired by her affinity for language and her degree in cultural studies, literature and linguistics, which also brought her to poetry slam some time ago.
Kathrin Wagner is a young artist who specializes in ring juggling. Her work is inspired by her affinity for language and her degree in cultural studies, literature and linguistics, which also brought her to poetry slam some time ago.
interview |
teaser |
impressions (© Christoffer Collina)
livestream 14.12.